Welcome to Belinda's Page

I studied Art at Liverpool Polytechnic studying in sculpture and gaining and Honours Degree before taking ceramics during the post grad course on teaching in the late 70's. I have always had an interest in experimenting with different materials and techniques, learning as much as I could whilst at college.

I started teaching Ceramics and Art at Bohunt school in 1982 where I remained until taking early retirement some 34 years later. During my teaching career I continued to learn as much as I could broadening my experience to include textiles, photography with the use of Photoshop and willow sculpture.

Whilst at Bohunt I also taught adult evening classes and workshops, children's holiday art courses and numerous school workshops using different materials and techniques.

I thoroughly enjoy introducing people to new ways of working,helping them to develop their own skills whereby they gain confidence and become more creative. I love working with printmaking and sculpture most but am happy to try out new techniques.

Belinda has produced:
Computer Art Drawing Felting Glass Painting Photography
Pottery Prophetic Art Screen Printing Textiles Willow Sculpture  








Belinda's Computer Art


Belinda's Drawings

Biro Leaves Mixed Media Baby
Mixed Media Begonia Mixed Media Maranta
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Mixed Media Plants Mixed Media Trees
Molly Pastel Poppy


Pastel Shell Pen Trees


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Rufus Shell
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Belinda's Felting

Belinda's Needle Felting

Belinda's Glass

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Belinda's Paintings

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Belinda's Photographs

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Belinda's Pottery

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Belinda's Screen Printing

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Belinda's Prophetic Art

Painted in 1986. 'They have ears but cannot see. Ears but cannot hear'.

This is based on a series of visions. Christ radiates from the centre. He calls to us 'Look to me' but everyone is too preoccupied with 'doing' things that they have lost sight of him. This is the first of four paintings.


This is a collaborative piece based on the book 'Exodus 2' by Steve Lightle, prophetic words given to Chris Sparkes and a vision of the map burning.

The book prophecies that the Russian Jews would return to Israel and maps out their journey. This came to pass a few years later.

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The vision started with the map of modern day Jerusalem with a map over the top showing the lands which God had promised to the descendants of Abraham.

Abraham's indiscretion which resulted in Ishmael before his promised son Isaac is the start of the modern day conflict between jew and arab.

They are represented by the figures on either side of the painting. The jewish woman (because the bloodline come from the female) is looking upwards towards God.


The children of Israel are crossing the Red sea on their way to the promised land of Canaan led by the pillar of light by night and the cloud by day.

The unfolding water, pillar of light and cloud are all representations of Gods provision and power.

The spirits of the dead Jews from the Holocaust rise up and come out of the darkness towards the light - which is Christ the Redeemer, represented by the empty cross.

The torn curtain is superimposed on the shifting sand with the dove of peace flying out from it - his grace and freedom.

The curtains ragged, blood red edges and the trickle of blood coming from the cross remind us of the work of the cross - the pain and the glory.


Holocaust Tryptich

The photo of the Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem and the horrific images from the TV documentary on the Jewish Holocaust were to stay with me for many months. The distorted, silhouetted figures charred by the fire after the gas chambers spoke of their pain, agony and demise. I was inspired to paint this image onto a 6foot canvas, black against a fiery background creating a very striking, dramatic work.

This work developed further into a second 6 foot canvas which included the barbed wire of the concentration camp with figures both resigned, condemned and trying to escape.

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A third 6 foot canvas developed with the barbed wire and figures of the concentration camp but this time the wire fades to create a hilly, colourful landscape with Christ standing with arms open wide - representing Freedom.

The poppies are a sign of Hope.

This pen drawing for the Prophecy Today magazine about broken people coming to Christ.

Belinda's Triptych


From the Cross to Pentecost

‘Then Pilate took Jesus and had Him flogged. The soldiers twisted together a Crown of Thorns’ and put it on His head..’
John chapter 19 verses 1 and 2.

‘But because of His great love, God who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our transgressions – it is by grace you have been saved.’
Ephesians chapter 2 verse 5.

‘For the grace of God that brings Salvation has appeared to all men..."
Titus chapter 2 verse 11

‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
2 Corinthians chapter 12 verse 9.

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Central Part Of The Triptych

The turquoise colour represents Gods grace, the gold His Holiness. This is used throughout to show how much grace is available to us and how much we need to avail ourselves of it. The shredded red colour of the central panel reminds us of the torn curtain in the temple opening the way to God whose grace flows freely down from His throne to us. It also represents the wounds Jesus suffered on the cross for us and that His wounds have healing for those who believe.

‘..Not one of His bones will be broken, ... They will look at the one who has been pierced..’ John chapter 19 verse 36

‘..Jesus called out in a loud voice ‘’ Father, into your hands I commit My Spirit’’ ‘. ‘Jesus body was cut down and laid in the tomb’ Luke chapter 23 verses 46 and 53

‘He himself bore our sins in His body on the tree so that we might die


Left: Gods hands holding the Christ child

Below: A drawing of a modern day Mary with the Christ child

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Belinda's Textiles

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Belinda's Textiles: Trash Fash


Belinda's Willow Sculptures

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